Slant Boarding with BenchK Wall Bars and Bench

Slant Boarding with BenchK Wall Bars and Bench

A slant board is simply a board that is fixed 45 angle.

BenchK wall bars and bench as slap board

"By lying down with your head lower than your feet you can improve cerebral circulation and Increase lymphatic flow in the lower extremities.

After years of living upright, gravity can take its toll on your body. We develop poor cerebral circulation and edema in our legs and feet. Our skin and organs begin to sag and prolapse, restricting proper functions. 

The slant board is a great way to return good blood flow to the brain. This can also help our internal organs, relieving some of the pressure that gravity puts on them." Robert Morse, N.D. from his book "The Detox Miracle Sourcebook".

Devoting just 2-3 minutes daily to this practice with a slant board can be a game-changer for your overall well-being. With the assistance of BenchK wall bars  and a bench, nurturing these healthy habits becomes a seamless part of your routine, ensuring that prioritizing your health has never been more accessible.

Read also:

23 Incredible Gymnastic Exercises on BenchK Wall Bars for Unrivaled Flexibility and Strength!

Lower Back Pain Relief at Home: Effective Exercises for Home Workouts

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